Edit Crosses, Backstitch and French Knots

Draw Color and Erase

Choose a thread color from the pop-up palette in the Color area of the Create tab to select a drawing color. Click the Erase Eraser_icon01347.jpg icon to erase stitches when drawing, or right-click while drawing with a color to erase stitches.

Edit Crosses

Use any type of cross to replace and erase any other type of cross. When drawing full crosses, they will replace or erase any combination of small or part crosses in a grid square. When drawing any other size of cross, they will replace or erase according to their size and shape. Crosses can be drawn, replaced and erased by single clicks or click and drag.

Edit Backstitch

Standard and freehand backstitch are edited separately.

Standard backstitch replaces existing standard backstitch if it is drawn in the same place. Standard backstitch can be drawn, replaced and erased by single clicks or click and drag.

Freehand backstitch will only replace existing freehand backstitch if it is drawn with exactly the same end points. If either end point is different, a new line of freehand backstitch is added. Freehand backstitch is drawn and replaced one line at a time with click and drag, and erased one line at a time with single clicks.

Edit French Knots

French knots are drawn, replaced and erased individually with single clicks. Only one French knot can exist at each half grid point.


Modify a Selection

Cut, Copy, Paste and Duplicate


Undo and Redo