Thumbnails for SuperDesigns are generated automatically if ’Create / Update Thumbnails’ is selected. You can use a different thumbnail by deselecting this option and loading your own picture as a thumbnail.
The thumbnail options are only available when editing SuperDesigns.
Select Create / Update Thumbnails to generate thumbnails automatically from SuperDesigns.
Use Open Picture to open an image file to use as a thumbnail for the current SuperDesign.
The image must be 60x60 pixels saved as a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file with 32 bits per pixel using 8 bit alpha channel.
Create / Update Thumbnails must be deselected to prevent the image from being automatically replaced when the SuperDesign set is saved.
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Use Save Picture to save an image file used as the thumbnail for the current SuperDesign.
You can create folders for storing your pictures. For instance, if you are working on several sets of SuperDesigns, you could create subfolders in the My Pictures folder to keep the pictures separate for each SuperDesign set.
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