Double Trace

Create two layers of stitches following the selected line automatically, by clicking on it. Double Trace produces a layer of double stitch, with some running stitch where needed. The trace begins and ends at the closest point on the selected outline to the previous object, and is created as a Group. If required, use Color Tolerance to select a larger area according to the similarity of adjacent colors. Stitch length may be from 1.0 to 12mm. Set it beforehand, or if desired, alter it afterwards in the properties dialog.

Double Trace uses the stitch length setting for Running Stitch in Fill Area and Line Properties_icon01873.jpg properties.



For complex outlines, a group of double and running stitch lines is created to make up the trace. To alter the length of all the stitches, click a single object in the Group for the traced design, then right-click and choose Select Similar from Group Select_Similar_from_Group_icon01877.jpg. Right-click the object again, and select Properties to choose settings for all objects of that type, e.g. Running Stitch, in the design. Alternatively, in the Edit tab either hide all objects before and after the trace, then use Global Properties to adjust the stitch lengths, or hold the Ctrl key and select the desired stitches then right-click one and select Properties to adjust the stitch lengths for the selected lines.

Repeat to trace more lines, and right-click to deselect.


Using QuickTrace

Quadruple Trace

Satin Line Trace

Motif Line Trace
