Get Length

Use Get Length Get_Length_of_Area_icon_cp00929.jpg on the View tab (and on the Modify tab) to measure the distance between any two points on an embroidery. Click the Get Length icon Get_Length_of_Area_icon_cp00931.jpg and the mouse pointer changes to the Measure pointer Get_Length_pointer00933.jpg. Then click and drag a line across the embroidery. The length of the line is displayed.

For example, use this to obtain the width of a column of stitches or the distance between lines of stitching.

The length is shown in millimeters or inches, according to the setting for Show Measurements in mySewnet™ Configure. The alternative units are shown in parentheses.


Measure Part of an Embroidery

  1. Click the Get Length Get_Length_of_Area_icon_cp00937.jpg icon. The pointer changes to the measure pointer Get_Length_pointer00939.jpg.

  2. Click and drag across the part of an embroidery you want to measure.

  3. Measure_distance00941.jpg


  4. Read, and if desired, make a note of the number.

  5. Repeat the click and drag to measure any other distances, as required.

  6. Right-click to deselect the function.

Automatic Ghost Mode

Viewing Embroideries in the Modify Tab