Enhancing Details

The significance of details in a picture is dependant on the overall size of the picture after it is cropped, so small details are more significant in a small picture. Also, small details are enlarged as the size of the created embroidery increases, so extra detail may appear if you simply make a larger embroidery with the same picture.

However, very small details in a picture may sometimes be ignored, as they may not have enough significance to be created as an area or outline in the embroidery. To enhance details, select Picture Options in the ExpressDesign Wizard, ensure Expand Pixel-Thin Lines is selected and set the Area Sensitivity to High. If this does not work, either enlarge the details in your picture editor, or, for outline details, connect small details together so they are created as a single outline.

Thick lines in a picture may be created as satin border when you would prefer regular outlining for a more detailed effect. To automatically reduce thick outlines, select Reduce Thick Lines in the Picture Options.

General Considerations

Picture Proportions

Cleaning a Picture

Patching Gaps in Pictures

Pictures for Express Embroidery

Pictures for Express Trace

Pictures for Express Border

Stippled Pictures